Instructional Strategies and Service Delivery Among Teaching Personnel In Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State
Instructional Strategies, Service Delivery, Teaching Personnel, Ibadan MetropolisAbstract
Poor Service Delivery (SD) has become a great concern for stakeholders. However, it seems that Teaching Personnel (TP) are being responsible for the poor SD due to their wrong Instructional Strategies (ISs) employed for teaching and learning. Previous studies considered repositioning teachers for quality SD, instructional-based strategies, among others. Nevertheless, these studies revealed that there are still factors that are yet to be examined. This study therefore examined the contributions of ISs to SD among TP in Public Secondary Schools (PSSs) in Ibadan Metropolis (IM) Oyo State. Survey design was used while population for this study comprised 25, 243 students in 165 PSSs across five Local Governments-LGs in IM. Purposive sampling technique was used to sample two LGs. Proportionate to size sampling technique was used to select 10% of secondary schools in each LG sampled. Simple random sampling technique was employed to sample 25 students in each school chosen. Hence, a total of two hundred secondary schools were drawn from 8 PSSs. The research instrument used for this study was a questionnaire. Data obtained through questionnaires were analysed through mean, frequency count, percentage and standard deviations and multiple regressions. The result indicated that level of SD among TP in IM was good. The result also showed that all type of ISs identified was being used by PSSs’ TP in IM, Oyo State. The finding equally confirmed that questioning, peer tutoring and demonstration strategies were significantly and relatively contributed to SD among PSSs’ TP in IM. The study likewise revealed that there is significantly and jointly contribution of ISs to SD among TP in IM, Oyo State. The serving teachers should be encouraged to adopt demonstration strategy as a way to enhance teachers’ service delivery. School administrators should ensure that teachers are well exposed to different instructional strategies for effective service delivery. However, the use of lecture strategy should be discouraged in public secondary schools.