Management Needs of Department Heads and Sustainable Academic Programmes in Taraba State University, Jalingo


  • Rissim Amamra Taraba State University, Jalingo
  • E. G. Nwunuji, PhD Taraba State University, Jalingo
  • Helen J. Mshelia, PhD Taraba State University, Jalingo


Sustainability, Academic Programme, Head of Department, Management Needs


The purpose of the study is to examine the management needs of department heads and sustainable academic programmes in Taraba state university, Jalingo. Correctional research design was adopted for this study. The population of the study comprised all 44 Heads of Department (HODs) make up 31 male Heads of Department and 13 female Heads of Department. The sample size for the study was all the 44 HODs because the size was manageable. The instrument used for data collection was a researchers self-developed questionnaire titled “Management Needs of Department Heads and Sustainable Academic Programmes Questionnaire” (MNDHSAPQ). The MNDHSAPQ contains 16 items on a 4 point modified rating scale of Very High Extend (VHE), High Extend (HE), Low Extend (LE) and Very Low Extend (VLE)). The MNDHSAPQ was validated by two experts in department of Educational Foundations. Faculty of Education, Taraba State University, Jalingo. The reliability coefficient of the MNDHSAPQ yielded 0.81 using Cronbach alpha estimate method. The MNDHSAPQ was administered and retrieved by the researchers with the help of one research assistant in each of department. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation while the hypotheses were tested using Pearson movement product correlation. The findings showed that there was a significant influence of funding needs and material needs on the sustainable academic programme at Taraba State University. Based on the study's findings, it was recommended among others that the University should source for ways of generating internal revenue to fund academic programme for school productivity.

Author Biographies

Rissim Amamra, Taraba State University, Jalingo

Dept. of Educational Foundations,
Taraba State University,
P.M.B. 1167,
Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria

E. G. Nwunuji, PhD, Taraba State University, Jalingo

Dept. of Educational Foundations,
Taraba State University,
P.M.B. 1167,
Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria

Helen J. Mshelia, PhD, Taraba State University, Jalingo

Dept. of Educational Foundations,
Taraba State University,
P.M.B. 1167,
Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria




How to Cite

Amamra, R. T., Nwunuji, E. G., & Mshelia, H. J. (2023). Management Needs of Department Heads and Sustainable Academic Programmes in Taraba State University, Jalingo. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 23(2), 63–73. Retrieved from