Staff Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Academic Employee of College of Education Gidan-Waya, Kaduna State, Nigeria


  • Kefas Ajege Joseph Kaduna State College of Education Gidan-Waya
  • Manasseh Esla Joseph Pioneer College of Advance Studies Gwagwalada Abuja


Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Responsibility, Academic Employee


This study tried to investigate the impact of staff commitment and job satisfaction of academic employee of College of education Gidan-Waya, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study objectives is to examine the association between responsibility of students and academic employee; to evaluate the association between teaching responsibility and academic employee, to analyze the association between school responsibility on academic employee and to ascertain the association between teaching profession and academic employee of College of education Gidan. This study used a survey method with the population of 653academic staff and the study used 243 academic staff as sample size which was obtained base on Krejcie and Morgan determining sample size. Structural questionnaire were develop on four point scale on strongly disagree with scale of one and strongly agree with a scale of four as the research instrument which was utilized to gather the primary data for this study. Mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis was used informed of descriptive statistic as method for data analysis, hypothesis were test using regressions, and coefficient was used as well. This study found that academic employee responsibility has a significant relationship between student responsibilities, teacher responsibility has a significant relationship with academic employee, school responsibility has a significant relationship with academic employee, and teaching profession responsibility has a significant relationship with academic employee in College of education Gidan-Waya Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study conclude that to ascertain how staff commitment affected academic employees' work satisfaction ensure high level of commitment of academic staff will give raise to quality of education in institution of high learning. It’s was recommend that institutions of higher learning should give more attention to academy employees and policy maker had to use this result as instrument for effective solution to other research work.

Author Biographies

Kefas Ajege Joseph, Kaduna State College of Education Gidan-Waya

School of Continuing Education
Kaduna State College of Education Gidan-Waya
+234 (0) 7038135076

Manasseh Esla Joseph, Pioneer College of Advance Studies Gwagwalada Abuja

Pioneer College of Advance Studies
Gwagwalada Abuja
+234 (0) 8134811920




How to Cite

Ajege , J. K., & Manasseh , E. J. (2023). Staff Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Academic Employee of College of Education Gidan-Waya, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 23(2), 137–145. Retrieved from