Perception and Impact of NCE Students on Citizenship Education in Promoting Good Governance and National Development in Nigeria


  • Ibrahim Hussaini Rabi’u Federal College of Education, Zaria


Citizenship Education, Good Governance, National Development


The issue of national development is one of the major challenges that the present administration is giving priority. So in this paper the student of social studies and non-social studies were asked on the role of citizenship education in promoting good governance and national development in Nigeria. Two research questions and two research hypotheses were set to guide the study. The population of the study consists of all NCE Social Studies students and Non-social Studies students from Federal College of Education Zaria. The sample of the study is (400) that is 200 social studies students and 200 non-social studies students selected through purposive sampling techniques. The research findings revealed that NCE Social Studies student has higher perception that citizenship education can promote good governance in Nigeria. It also revealed that both Social Studies students and nonsocial studies students have positive opinion that citizenship education can promote national development in Nigeria. The researchers recommend that social studies education should be taught at all
levels of education in Nigeria since it can help in promoting good governance and national development in Nigeria.

Author Biography

Ibrahim Hussaini Rabi’u , Federal College of Education, Zaria

A lecturer in the Department of Social Studies




How to Cite

Rabi’u , I. H. . (2018). Perception and Impact of NCE Students on Citizenship Education in Promoting Good Governance and National Development in Nigeria. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 18(1), 24–32. Retrieved from