Teacher’s Effectiveness: An Active Pill in the Treatment of Pupils’ Behavioural Problems In School


  • Azeez Adeyinka Najeem Federal College of Education, Zaria


Teacher’s Effectiveness, Pupils’ Behavioural Problems, Public Primary Schools


The study examines the effect of behavioral problems among pupils in public primary schools in Kaduna metropolis. A descriptive research survey design was adopted. All teachers in Kaduna metropolis formed the population. 230 respondents comprise of 124 males and 106 females were sampled selected from 45 public primary schools. Two research questions were raised and one hypothesis was tested using inferential statistics. Results showed that behavioural problems have serious implications on pupils academic achievement and teachers’ effectiveness can be used to reduce pupils’ behavioural problems. Based on findings, it was recommended that parents should observe their children at home to avoid behavioural problems, and if they noticed such behavior they should be corrected immediately. Teachers too should do likewise to prevent such problems in the classrooms. Problems like fighting; stealing, lies, nail biting, and angry responses and the usage of abusive languages should be minimized among others after the conclusion have reached.

Author Biography

Azeez Adeyinka Najeem, Federal College of Education, Zaria

Azeez Adeyinka Najeem is Principal Lecturer in Primary Education Studies, Federal College of Education, Zaria, Kaduna State.




How to Cite

Najeem, A. A. . (2018). Teacher’s Effectiveness: An Active Pill in the Treatment of Pupils’ Behavioural Problems In School. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 18(1), 86–96. Retrieved from https://zarjes.com/ZAJES/article/view/265