Evaluation of Problem-Solving Teaching Strategy on Attitude and Performance of Senior Secondary Biology Students with Low Ability for Sustainable Educational Development in Zaria, Kaduna State


  • Maria Uchechukwu Obochi, PhD


Biology, Problem-Solving, Students, Low ability, Attitude, Performance


This study investigated the impacts of Problem-solving strategy on attitude and academic performance in Biology among Senior Secondary Students of low ability in Zaria Educational Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The population comprises all the co-educational senior secondary schools in Zaria Zone, with total number of one thousand six hundred (1600) students. The design of the study was Quasi experimental and control with Pre-test and Post-test. Two SS schools in the area with a total number of one hundred and eighty-five (113male and 72 female) students were selected as sample of the study using simple random sampling technique using ballot method. One school formed the experimental group that received treatment via problem-solving strategy, while the second school was used as the control group. High, average and low ability levels were determined using their pre-test scores.  The experimental group was taught using problem-solving strategy, while the control group was taught using conventional lecture method. Instruments used were developed and also used for data collection in this study, i.e.  Biology Performance Test (BPT) and Student Attitude Questionnaire, (SAQ). Data generated were subjected to descriptive statistical tool while Analysis of variance using Kruskal Wallis was used to test hypotheses and determines significance of the groups, at P?0.05. The findings of the study showed that problem-solving had significant effects on the academic performance of the students of low ability. Low ability students that were taught biology using problem-solving strategy improved in their attitudes, academic performance and retained the learnt concepts better than those taught using lecture method. Neither male nor female in the two groups performed significantly better than the other in Biology after treatment. Based on the findings of the  study, the researchers recommended that problem-solving strategy should be used to teach biology at secondary school to enhance attitude and performance of low ability students.

Author Biography

Maria Uchechukwu Obochi, PhD

Maria Uchechukwu Obochi is lecturer in the Dept. of Biology,
Federal College of Education,
PMB 1041, Zaria




How to Cite

Obochi, M. U. (2021). Evaluation of Problem-Solving Teaching Strategy on Attitude and Performance of Senior Secondary Biology Students with Low Ability for Sustainable Educational Development in Zaria, Kaduna State. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 21(1), 9–19. Retrieved from https://zarjes.com/ZAJES/article/view/432