Effective Human Security for Sustainable Development: The Role of Language and Literature


  • Eunice Henry Omwirhiren


Human Security, Sustainable Development, Language, Development


Human security can be termed as a rapid response to the complexity of both old and contemporary security threats ranging from kidnapping, terrorism, ethnic violence, human trafficking, climate change, health pandemics and global recessions. This paper explores the role of language as well as literature in curbing the menace that has posed as a threat to human security and development issues in Nigeria. It proffers suggestions on how language can help in the achievement of virtually all the sustainable developmental goals (SDGs) from quality education to healthy living, motion of peace and inclusive societies, industrialization and innovations, implementation and revitalization of global partnership and others for the purpose of national transformation.

Author Biography

Eunice Henry Omwirhiren

Department of English
Federal College of Education




How to Cite

Omwirhiren, E. H. . (2021). Effective Human Security for Sustainable Development: The Role of Language and Literature. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 21(1), 68–74. Retrieved from https://zarjes.com/ZAJES/article/view/440