The Catholicity of the Church and the Imperative for Christian Unity in Nigeria


  • Jonathan Yabiliyok, PhD Federal College of Education, Zaria
  • Juliana Kaiwedo, PhD


Christian Unity, Social justice, Ecumenical Dialogue, Witness, Reconciliation


The beginning of the church in apostolic times has been a visible expression of unity in the catholicity of the church. Although the early church did experience divisions and conflicts, it was still a church that was united in mind and heart. If the gospel message is to be effectively preached, leading to far-reaching conversion of the world, then Christians must be united. Drawing from the ecclesiology of the early church, this paper seeks to challenge Christians to an ecumenical imperative and its implications for witnessing in Nigeria. While the scandal of disunity has been an affront to the priestly prayer of Jesus for unity, Christians, irrespective of their denominations, must be part of this genuine effort at reconciling differences. Although modest successes have been recorded in the trajectory of unity, much is to be desired of the ecumenical movement. This paper proposes that unless there is a collaborative effort across denominational divides, the search for Christian unity would be impossible. The unity envisaged here is not aimed at conformity and uniformity but a plurality of unity in which synergy is formed for the witnessing to the gospel. Christians can draw from the example of the early church in which unity was understood within the context of Christology and faith in the one baptism. This paper will highlight specific thematic areas in which Christians can cooperate in the bond of communion that speaks to the church's catholicity in our time.

Author Biographies

Jonathan Yabiliyok, PhD, Federal College of Education, Zaria

Fr. Jonathan is a lecturer in the Dept. of Christian Religious Studies,
Federal College of Education, Zaria


Juliana Kaiwedo, PhD

Juliana Kaiwedo is lecturer in the Dept. of Christian Religious Studies,
Federal College of Education, Zaria




How to Cite

Yabiliyok, J. A. ., & Kaiwedo, J. . (2021). The Catholicity of the Church and the Imperative for Christian Unity in Nigeria. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 21(1), 84–94. Retrieved from