Education in Nigeria: Programs and Goals and the Need to Overhaul Education for People with Disabilities in Nigeria


  • Fati Abdullahi Federal College of Education, Zaria


Education, People with Disabilities, Societal Development, National Policy on Education


Education is vital to everyone in society. The relationship between education and societal development cannot be overstressed. For any society to develop in every aspect, education must be inclusive i.e., it must include everybody, both able and disabled. Nigeria’s education system regarding persons with disabilities needs serious re-evaluation in order that every citizen could have access to quality basic education. This paper will focus on examining the nation’s policy on education as it affects persons with disabilities i.e., what programs and goals are laid out to cater for their education and the level of achievement. As with many issues regarding development in Nigeria, the issue or practice of educating persons with disabilities is yet to be properly addressed.


Author Biography

Fati Abdullahi, Federal College of Education, Zaria

Department of Educational Psychology,
Federal College of Education, Zaria.





How to Cite

Abdullahi, F. . (2023). Education in Nigeria: Programs and Goals and the Need to Overhaul Education for People with Disabilities in Nigeria. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 23(1), 33=42. Retrieved from