Provision Of Information And Communications Technology And Entrepreneurship Education In Secondary Schools As Strategy For Sustainable Youth Empowerment In Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria


  • Ogban Nkanu Ogban University of Calabar, Calabar
  • Emeka Samuel Nnaji University of Calabar, Calabar
  • Chioma Precious Unamba University of Calabar, Calabar
  • Francis Asido Effah University of Calabar, Calabar


Provision, Information and Communications Technology, Youth empowerment, Infusion, Entrepreneurship


The study focused on provision of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)  and entrepreneurship education in secondary schools as a strategy for sustainable youth empowerment in Calabar metropolis, cross river state, Nigeria. The purpose of the study was to determine wheather provision of ICT and entrepreneurship education in secondary schools relate to sustainable youth empowerment in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study is 2,349 which comprises 1,245 SS2 students, 1,080 teachers and 24 principals in the 24 public secondary schools in Calabar Metropolis. A multistage sampling technique involving Purposive and simple random techniques was adopted in selecting 200 students who formed the sample of the study. A questionnaire titled " ICT and entrepreneurship education in secondary schools for sustainable youth empowerment questionnaire, (ICTEESSSYEQ)” was used for data collection. The data collected were analysed using simple linear regression. Results showed that provision of ICT and entrepreneurship education in secondary schools significantly predicts sustainable youth empowerment in Calabar Metropolis. Based on the results, it was concluded that the sustainable empowerment of  youths in Calabar metropolis can be achieved through the provision of ICT and integration of entrepreneurship education in secondary schools. It was recommended, among others, that government and other stakeholders should endeavour to provide ICT facilities for use in schools.

Author Biographies

Ogban Nkanu Ogban, University of Calabar, Calabar

Department of Educational Management,
University of Calabar

Emeka Samuel Nnaji, University of Calabar, Calabar

Department of Educational Management
University of Calabar
ORCID: 0000-0003-0023-7166

Chioma Precious Unamba, University of Calabar, Calabar

Unamba Chioma Precious
Department of Educational Management,
University of Calabar

Francis Asido Effah, University of Calabar, Calabar

Department of Educational Management,
University of Calabar




How to Cite

Ogban, O. N., Nnaji, E. S., Unamba, C. P., & Effah, F. A. (2022). Provision Of Information And Communications Technology And Entrepreneurship Education In Secondary Schools As Strategy For Sustainable Youth Empowerment In Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 24(1), 27–35. Retrieved from