Effects Of Conceptual Diagrams Techniques on Achievement of Displaced Children in Civic Education in Borno and Yobe State Nigeria


  • Gambo Baranzi Mbaya College of Education Waka-Biu Borno State


Conceptual Diagram, Internally Displaced Children, Academic Achievement


This study was conducted to examine the Effects of Conceptual Diagram Technique on the Achievement of Displaced Children in Civic Education in junior secondary school. Quasi experimental research of equivalent pre-test and post-test, non The sample of schools is made up of 4 junior secondary schools, selected from 30 junior secondary schools that fall within study area. Sample size is 216 students to form four intact classes assigned for experimental and control groups. Criteria that guide choice of schools include Displaced students and Non-displaced students. The schools also comprise male and female students. Randomized research was adopted. The population of the study was 4282 junior secondary school students offering Civic Education from 30 junior secondary schools in Borno state and Yobe state. Civic Education Achievement Test (SSPT) was used for the collection of data. The reliability of SSPT was established using test-retest. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the two research questions, while hypotheses were tested with Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. The research revealed Conceptual diagram improve students’ Achievement in Civic Education, while gender have no substantial impact on students’ Achievement in Civic Education. The study also attempts to investigate how conceptual diagram technique can help internally displaced children adapt to a life in a new society and how the teachers need to employ teaching techniques that can help the students acquire good moral values to enable them to create a positive attitude toward learning. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that Civic Education teachers incorporate conceptual diagram techniques in the teaching to enable students to interrelate concepts and teamwork.

Author Biography

Gambo Baranzi Mbaya, College of Education Waka-Biu Borno State

Department of Social Studies
College of Education Waka-Biu, Borno State




How to Cite

Mbaya, G. (2024). Effects Of Conceptual Diagrams Techniques on Achievement of Displaced Children in Civic Education in Borno and Yobe State Nigeria. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 24(SPECIAL), 137–147. Retrieved from https://zarjes.com/ZAJES/article/view/1522