Edutainment Approach in Christian Religious Studies Delivery: A New Approach in Nigerian Educational Transformation


  • Alphonsus Chukwuma Etete, PhD


Christian Religion Knowledge, Edutainment, Educational Transformation, Nigeria


The study focused on the edutainment approach in Christian Religious Studies (CRS) delivery as a new direction in Nigeria’s Educational transformation. This is necessary because most of its teaching are accustomed to the use of conventional instruction that focuses on content transmission with little or no chance for learner’s participation rather, students play a passive part. The study employed the use of quasi-experimental research design of non-randomized post-test control design. The target population comprised all the 4,550 CRS students in senior secondary schools in Zaria Local Government Area, out of which 120 CRS senior secondary school students were sampled using purposive sampling technique. Out of the 30 public senior secondary schools in Zaria Local Government Area, 2 intact classes were purposively selected and used in the study. The instrument used for data collection was the Edutainment Aided Christian Religious Studies Achievement Test (EACRSAT). The instrument has 20 question items based on selected CRS concepts. The EACRSAT instrument was pilot-tested using Kuder Richardson formula, and a reliability index of 0.75 was obtained. The data collected through this instrument was analysed with the use of descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and standard error to answer the research question, while inferential statistic (Z-test) was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that the edutainment method enhances students’ academic achievement in CRS. Recommendations such as suitable edutainment method training programmes should be designed for CRS teachers to empower them on how to use this delivery method, among others, are proffered.




Author Biography

Alphonsus Chukwuma Etete, PhD

Department of Christian Religious Studies,
Federal College of Education,
Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria








How to Cite

Etete, A. C. (2021). Edutainment Approach in Christian Religious Studies Delivery: A New Approach in Nigerian Educational Transformation. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 22(2), 83–90. Retrieved from