Prospects and Challenges of Language Acquisition and Language Development

The Way Forward


  • Ngozi Anchor-Lee Okoro, Ph.D
  • Rachael U. Urenyere, Ph.D
  • Emmanuel A. Osuji


Language Acquisition, Language Development, Child’s Motivation


Language acquisition is a crucial stage in children’s process of language development. During this period, they struggle with communication, understanding and expressing their feelings. The child’s ability to develop fast-thinking, problem-solving skills, and maintain good relationships solely depends on the availability of role models and language repertoire. Consequently, parents need to pay serious attention to their children’s language acquisition and development strategies since it is a determinant factor for their success in the language learning process. This can be achieved not only by encouraging them but motivating the children. The parents, older siblings and caregivers must serve as role models to the children. This work aims to identify some learning strategies that can enhance children's language acquisition and language development and the roles of parents and Article History Received: July 2022 Review processes August-September, 2022 Received in revised form: October 2022 Accepted: November 2022 Published online: December 2022 KEYWORDS caregivers in motivating them early enough in life to develop receptive and expressive skills as they learn to communicate. Suggestions are made that since parents, older siblings and caregivers are the first teachers’ children encounter during this stage, adequate support and motivation should be provided for them by talking to and with them, singing for them and reading aloud.


Author Biographies

Ngozi Anchor-Lee Okoro, Ph.D

Department of English and Literature,
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education,
Owerri, Imo State,



Rachael U. Urenyere, Ph.D

Department of Curriculum & Instruction,
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri,
Imo State.
Phone: 08037720424




Emmanuel A. Osuji

Department of Curriculum & Instruction,
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education,
Owerri, Imo State






How to Cite

Okoro, N. A.-L., Urenyere, R. U., & Osuji, E. A. (2022). Prospects and Challenges of Language Acquisition and Language Development: The Way Forward. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 22(2), 10–16. Retrieved from