Challenges and Solutions to Using Technology in Teaching and Learning of Christian Religious Studies Education at Ahmadu Bello University and Federal College of Education, Zaria



Ahmadu Bello University, Federal College of Education, Christian Religious Studies, ICT, Challenges


This qualitative study for in-depth information on the challenges and overcoming the use of information communication technology in teaching and learning of Christian Religious Studies investigated the challenges that Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, (ABU, Zaria) and Federal College of Education, Zaria,(FCE, Zaria) teachers and students face in implementing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of Christian Religious Studies (CRS). The objectives were to: identify the types of ICT being used; examine school management support; investigate the challenges faced; and find out the overcoming strategies in the teaching and learning of Christian Religious Studies. The population consisted of twenty-six teachers and two hundred and eighty-nine students out of which twenty respondents were sampled. From the responses ABU supplied teachers with WI-FI connection in their offices. The older teachers prefer chalk and talk method. The students were also provided WI-FI to login using their assigned surnames and passwords but some lack the technical knowledge of ICT usage, and lack of smart phones. On the other hand, both the teachers and students of FCE had to use the e-library provided by the school management. Those who could afford laptops and smart phones buy Internet browsing data. Consequently, the study recommends that: government should provide adequate fund to the education sector and make strong policies that will enforce proper implementation of ICT in the educational institutions. Similarly, it is also recommended that the management of the school should organise workshops and training programmes for teachers and non-teaching staff in order to make them competent to handle ICT infrastructure and services; teachers should ensure that they are well trained on how to use ICT in teaching and to properly guide the students on lesson delivery for better comprehension. Students should seek basic knowledge of ICTs, familiarise and patronise the available technologies in their schools.

Author Biographies

Emmanuel Gana, PhD, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

Department of Arts and Social Science Education
Ahmadu Bello University,

Ilesanmi Ajibola, PhD, Federal College of Education, Zaria

TETFund Center of Excellence for Technology-Enhanced Learning
Federal College of Education, Zaria




How to Cite

Gana, E., & Ajibola, I. (2023). Challenges and Solutions to Using Technology in Teaching and Learning of Christian Religious Studies Education at Ahmadu Bello University and Federal College of Education, Zaria. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 23(2), 106–119. Retrieved from