Impact of Technology Enhanced Learning on Social Studies Education in Zaria Local Government Public Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria



Technology, Pedagogical Integration, Social Studies, Teacher Training


This study examines how Social Studies instruction in Nigeria is affected by technology-enhanced learning. The study focuses specifically on examining how technology is used and how it affects teachers and students in public secondary schools in Zaria Local Government, Kaduna State. It adopts a survey research design which incorporates interviews and assessment with teachers, administrators, educational technology specialists and students. The sample size for the research consists of 322 respondents, 14 each from 23 Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Two (2) objective and two (2) research questions were adopted, using a questionnaire titled Impact of Technology Enhanced Learning on the Social Studies Education in Zaria Local Government Public Secondary School in Kaduna State, Nigeria (ITELSSE). The data collected was analysed using frequency, and simple percentage with mean score. With only 4.7% of the sampled size of Social Studies teachers being exposed to innovations in education, and of the same percentage acquiring ICT skills for teaching pedagogical classes; the teachers are not quite effectively exposed to innovations or using ICT for teaching Social Studies. The result suggests a limited technology enhanced learning adoption. It is thus recommended that more ICT equipment and training is needed to improve technology enhanced learning in Public Secondary School in Zaria Local Government, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Author Biographies

Yusuf Ibrahim Ayinde, PhD, Federal College of Education, Zaria

Department of Social Studies,
Federal College of Education, Zaria

Ilesanmi Ajibola, PhD, Federal College of Education, Zaria

TETFund Center of Excellence for Technology Enhanced Learning
Federal College of Education, Zaria




How to Cite

Ayinde, Y. I. ., & Ajibola, I. (2023). Impact of Technology Enhanced Learning on Social Studies Education in Zaria Local Government Public Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Zaria Journal of Educational Studies (ZAJES), 23(2), 90–96. Retrieved from

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